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USA only at this time... Funding ;)
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You can help!

Help Support our work! 

Every dollar you donate helps us send out another card to express love and joy. We love to help celebrate life because living our lives to the fullest is the best gift we can give to God. 


At Hindu West Ministries we truly believe that the love that we share with the world will be rewarded in the next life, so we are basically hustling for heaven, as the kids might say. With the cost of stamps ($.55 each as of 2021), paper, ink, tools, envelopes, the bill starts to get heavy. But nothing is too heavy for Lord Shiva. 


When is the last time you received a card in the mail? Didn't it make you feel a little special, even if it was just your dentist? Don't you think that "happy feeling" might have rubbed off on those around you?


We believe that if we make one person smile, they will make three people smile by an offshoot of their positive outlook on life. 


Making a donation today can help keep our good work going. It's small work, but it adds up. 

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